We’re thrilled to be working with poet and artist Alison Gibb on a new edition to be released just in time for Christmas!

Forming part of Alison Gibb‘s project I am knot a… the new edition investigates issues of POWER dressing through the aesthetics and value of tie knots to create an experimental series of posters.

In the meantime you can watch Alison Gibb‘s performance of the Lo Ri Co T / Li Ro Li Ro Li Co T / Lo Ri Lo Ri Co T / Lo Ro Lo Ro Co Lo R oCo T / Lo Ci Ro Ci  Lo Ro Li Co T / Lo Ri Lo Ci Ro Li Co T sequence of tie knot instructions in the video below. Tie knots featured include the Oriental, Victoria, Kelvin, Dietrich, Balthus and St Andrews…….